Two days ago I drafted a post trying to explain some points of view regarding the Bandito character.  I've chosen to take it down because even though I thought it might help those who had expressed concern (people who have never actually seen what we do), it seems now that a blog post is not the appropriate avenue.  

I am absolutely interested in doing the right thing in every aspect of my life.  I believe that racial stereotyping is a big problem in the entertainment industry today.  I don't want to be a part of that problem, and I do not believe that the Bandito productions are a part of that problem.  If you have been to a show I think you will agree with me.

JB is not a stereotype of any race or culture.  Bandito has been Spanish (from Spain) from the beginning but that really has nothing to do with anything when it comes to our shows and their content.  Our mission in everything we do is to create fun, clean family entertainment to help our communities create lasting memories with those they love.

I appreciate those who have taken time to express their concern and their support!