Long Overdue Update

What up, friend? TJ here. Sorry it’s been a minute since I put anything here on the teejdavis site. For a more complete update you can always check out the IG account.

Since the last post here we have:

Produced two amazing and hilarious original productions at the playhouse in Bear Lake.

Summer 2019 - “Shootout at Shadow Mountain by TJ Davis”

Summer 2020 - “Finding the Fickle Fortune by TJ and Derek Davis” (an amazing and successful summer season in spite of a global pandemic)

And we also produced our most amazing Christmas production to date: “Juanito Bandito’s Christmas Carol 2019”

Our fam of 5 sons continues to get bigger (in size, not in number … as in “the boys are getting bigger”). Erin and I continue to make our way day in and day out, carving out a life full of happy moments and lots of family love.

There are some pretty big changes coming in our near future, but I’ll save the details of that for another post. For now, I sincerely hope you’re doing awesome. I hope you’re living inspired and have the confidence to create the life of your dreams. Ours is and will always be in progress. I love this game of life!

Talk soon,


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