I bought my baby a snowboard

Sooooo a confession:  For the last few years I've spent a lot of wasted time asking myself this question "Why in the expletive do we choose to live in a place where it is so miserably cold for 3-5 months of the year?"  

Cuz the truth is I don't like the cold and I would much prefer to live in a place where you can reasonably wear shorts and t-shirts in the middle of January (I do anyway, but I'm not very reasonable).  I had a moment of realization during the Christmas show when i came to grips with the fact that 1: we aren't going to move to warmer location any time during the 2015-2016 winter months and 2: winter is here whether I like it or not.  

So, to make the best out of a chilly situation I came up with a plan.  I bought Erin a snowboard and I'm going to try to teach her to love it as much as I love it.  She's kinda, sorta pretty awesome at it already, but ... if I can get her on the mountain at least a few more times in the next couple of weeks, I'm convinced that I'll be able to talk her into making it a regular thing and then maybe, possibly, the winter months won't suck quite so hard.  

They will still suck because warmness is awesome, but maybe we can trick ourselves into having a little bit of fun in the mean time.  

Click HERE to watch the video!

Why I believe in Santa Claus - TeejDavis

I haven't done a video like this before so please forgive all the "ummms" and the "ahhs" etc.  This isn't a perfect explanation by any means, but I wanted to try to express what Santa means to me and how he fits (at least in my mind) in the amazingness of the holiday season.  I believe that to really appreciate Mr. Claus, as with many other similar traditions, you have to peel back the layers and ask yourself what he represents. For me, he is a symbol of a nearly universal belief in a Higher Power who loves and cares for us and who blesses us according to our needs.  I'm grateful for the story of Santa and all that's it's done to enrich my life! 

Click HERE to watch the video!

Hairy Christmas to you from us! Half price tix for Tuesday night (Dec 15th) only!

I am always careful about doing any kind of discount on our tickets because I feel like our prices are at least fair for the kind of experience that our shows create for the people who come enjoy them with us.  On the other hand, I know that 16-28 bucks per ticket is out of the price range of a lot of really awesome families.  Tonight, I felt like it was right to do a discount for a number of reasons.  It's explained in the video.  Please feel free to tell your friends.  Anyone who hasn't come because of the ticket price or anyone who wants to come again and see tomorrow night's version of the show!  Thanks so much for following along!

Click HERE to watch the video and learn how to get half price tix for Tuesday!